SWRC welcomes applications from riders at all levels so why not give it a go and take your riding to the next level.
Any team member representing the club must be registered on the British Riding Club database as a current member of SWRC by the closing date for preliminary entries. This is usually 3 weeks before the actual competition.
We will need a copy of the identification and flu vac pages of your horses
BRC apply rules rigorously so please dont leave it too late to get your vaccinations.
Summary of Flu Vac Rules and a useful flu vac checker can be found in the BRC 2024 Rulebook
Please visit the British Riding Club Web Page for more Details about these competitions www.bhs.org.uk
Join South Wilts Riding Club, for discounted entry to clinics and events. Ride for the club and have fun meeting new friends. See our membership page for details.
SWRC Clothing
Our clothing range is available to order here. You can order direct from the supplier for delivery to your door and no minimum order quantities.
Upcoming Events:
Autumn Show 27 Oct
Side Saddle Clinib 24th Nov
See calendar or Facebook for details on how to enter.
You can book clinics and enter competitions via Equo.
Please click on the link below to get entering (search for organiser SWRC)