Sue Hodgson - Chair
Annie Gillot - Secretary & Teams
I live in Amesbury, and am a Civil Servant so am lucky to be able to work flexibly to allow for lots
of horsey time and of course the dramas that come with them
My love for horses
began at the age of 7, when I unexpectedly found myself of a lovely cob mare at Tidworth Riding School. That was it then, I got the bug! My own journey began with my first love, my 12.2 New Forest
pony Pinky. Looking back now, she was definitely not a first pony. I spent more time on the floor than on her back! She taught me all I know though and certainly how to sit a buck, or two! Spending
20 years growing up together and her turning 28 this year, she is deservingly retired, living the best life as a lady of leisure and companion to my big girl. This brings me onto Susie, my 15.3 ISH.
A very impromptu decision to buy her, but I fell in love. She’s a mare in a geldings body on the ground, yet get on her and she reminds me she’s a mare, throwing her sass and options around left
right and centre .
Joining the riding
club gave me goals to achieve with her, one of them being completing our first ODE, clear too! We’ve then gone on to have a very bumpy journey over the last few years, with lameness and more recently
with Susie fighting for her life at Donnington Grove having had 2 consecutive colic surgeries. With months of rest and rehab, we were able to get back out exploring the plain in the autumn and
everything crossed we will be able to get back to joining in with some of the fabulous activities the committee runs.
The club being so
friendly, relaxed and welcoming, with wonderful instructors offering a variety of lessons/events, really does provide so many opportunities for all abilities.
Hazel Jackson - Membership and Child Protection Officer
Ruth Dresman
Horse mad from birth I begged, borrowed and stole rides through my childhood and teens and by the grace of the equine community I showed, jumped and evented at a local level.
The horses taught me well alongside an inspiring selection of instructors.
Now with my own horse Hugo we compete in all 3 disciplines, I've also enjoyed an attempt at Working Equitation and LeTrec with my pony Cherry.
I ride our Bridleways regularly, I passionately believe that this unique network is of equal Historical and National importance to our castles and stately homes. I have campaigned with some success to re open some forgotten local ways.
I am trained in design and work in glass. I was commissioned to make presents for the late Queen to gift.
Since joining the committee I have enjoyed the opportunity to learn alongside fellow members and in helping to run events for the club.
Ros Coombs BHSII. M.Rad.A
I have been riding since I was 8 years old. I competed and evented until my children were born.
I am a qualified British Horse Society instructor and in the past I have trained students for the BHS qualifications. When I lived in Devon I was the Chief Instructor of our local Pony club and was
also a PC examiner.
I now own an ex- National Hunt racehorse which has been interesting. I have been retraining him for dressage and we have been competing in low level events.
In 1998 I had a change of career and trained to be a Radionic Practitioner.
Radionics is a distant healing therapy, AKA ‘The Black Box’
I treat humans, small animals and horses. I also run courses on radionics and train students to become practitioners.
Join South Wilts Riding Club, for discounted entry to clinics and events. Ride for the club and have fun meeting new friends. See our membership page for details.
SWRC Clothing
Our clothing range is available to order here. You can order direct from the supplier for delivery to your door and no minimum order quantities.
Upcoming Events:
Have a go Side Saddle 26th January
SWRC AGM 23rd January
Online Dressage 1-31 January
Online Dressage 1-28 February
Clear Round (inc. Hobby Horse classes) Date Feb 16th
Online Dressage 1-31 March
Spring Show 17th April
See calendar or Facebook for details on how to enter.
You can book clinics and enter competitions via Equo.
Please click on the link below to get entering (search for organiser SWRC)